My Loves and Me

My Loves and Me

Monday, February 11, 2013

I am going to start reviewing curriculum for a few companies so stay tuned for my reviews.  As of today I will be reviewing A+Math and Spelling Scholar.  Looking forward to it.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I have not been on in a while been working on cleaning and organizing.  Things are going well.  My daughter seems to be finding a groove.  I have found sort of a system that works for us.  My youngest has gotten where he can write and spell his name.  He knows maybe half of the alphabet.  Worked on writing d's this week.  Doesn't sound like much but it sure made this mama happy.  Finally seeing some progress.  Still working on what will work for my oldest.  We actually spent yesterday working on the biblical way to handle anger.
I am hoping to go back to college myself.  Waiting on financial aid to make a decision.  So things will get busy but I know God has his hand in my life.  Oh yeah, hubby and I started teaching childrens church one Sunday out of a month.  Also, starting this Sunday going to start a book study on the Love Dare.

So life is busy, depression is working on me but God is also working in my life so the depression is in for a fight.

Hope everyone is well.

God Bless you all