My Loves and Me

My Loves and Me

Monday, February 11, 2013

I am going to start reviewing curriculum for a few companies so stay tuned for my reviews.  As of today I will be reviewing A+Math and Spelling Scholar.  Looking forward to it.


  1. Hi Tammy, I have been homeschooling for 6 years now. I am a new follower. Feel free to visit our blog and follow back. My 3 youngest kids have ADD/ ADHD and my oldest who is 23 has bipolar. Would love to be friends and share experiences with bipolar. God bless ♥

    1. I left a comment on your blog a little earlier. I apologize that I did not see this earlier. My life has been lets say crazy for a while. They are now saying my son is not bipolar but has intermittent explosive disorder. Which means there is no depression just all anger. Still would love to be friends and share experiences of just having special needs children.

  2. I answered you back on mine. My oldest went through a bunch of diagnoses before they said she was bipolar. I hope they get it right so he can be treated properly.
    Look forward to our friendship.
    God bless ♥
