My Loves and Me

My Loves and Me

Friday, October 12, 2012

This is one of those mornings I wake up and look around and say Can I do this?  My house is a mess, my daughter is sick and I don't have the day planned yet.  But I have decided it is not Can I do it I have to say I am going to this.  This is what is best for my children and that is what I need to do.
Hope everyone has a great day.


  1. Hello Tammy, Yes my dear YOU CAN DO THIS !!
    I am a homeschool mom of 3. I am a mom to 4 my oldest Ashley is 22 and she also has Bi-Polar. My other 3 have ADD/ADHD. My Homeschoolers range from 10 to 15 years old.
    My son Jerry is 15 and he is a Freshman this year.
    My daughter Tessa is 12 she is in 7th Grade.
    My youngest Misty is 10 and she is in 5th Grade.
    I have been homeschooling for 5 years.
    Some days I wanna scream but I have to realize all is not perfect all the time. We have our bad days and good. All us homeschool moms ask can we do this all the time. Just know my dear you have friends that support you 100 % and will be there to listen to you or to even answer questions if we can. god bless you on you and your children's adventures. Feel free to visit our blog at:
    I am a follower of your blog now .

    1. Thank You! It is the encouraging words from others who understand that helps me through. And you are right we can do this just going to take time and patience.

  2. You are welcome. Feel free to post on my blog when ya need to rant and I'll answer back... ♥
